West Bengal reported the maximum number of cases under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PCA) Act in the last three years followed by Delhi, the ministry of environment and forest said on Thursday. "The maximum number of cases pertaining to cruelty to animals in the country has been reported from West Bengal. Delhi stands second followed by Uttar Pradesh in this cruelty table," said a ministry report. During 2006-07, West Bengal reported more than 17,000 cases and the total figure is above 40,000 for the last three years. The national capital known for its cattle menace, has reported 1,826, 1,572 and 1,389 cases respectively in each of the past three years. "During the same period, less than 4,000 cases were reported from Uttar Pradesh. 1,541 cases were reported during 2004-05, 1296 cases during 2005-06 and 1127 cases were reported during 2006-07 in Uttar Pradesh," the report said. Likewise, 255 cases of animal cruelty were reported in Haryana during 2006-07, 79 in Kerala, 71 in Andhra Pradesh and 65 in Chhattisgarh. However, the ministry did not spell out the type of cruelty meted to the animals in these states. The number of people convicted for this was highest in Uttar Pradesh followed by Delhi and West Bengal. At least 4,265 people were convicted during 2004-05, 3,338 during 2005-06, and 3,037 during 2006-07 in Uttar Pradesh. The PCA was enacted by the central government to prevent infliction of unnecessary pain or suffering on animals. The Animal welfare Board of India (AWBI), the statutory body under the ministry of environment and forests, addresses all state governments to enforce the provisions regarding cruelties to animals and to book the offenders suitably.
Source: TOI
People for Animals
Please boycott Kerala for its dismal animal abuse history. A global campaign has been launched to convince the US State Department also. Behind the beauty of lush green nature, thrives the savage uncivilized barbaric psyche. Says one of the State's best known writers, Paul Zacharia. "Where in the world is the elephant worst treated? The honest and straight answer is Kerala". Kerala also has India's highest suicides, drunkards, sexual perverts, and mentally deranged. And they claim to be Civilized!!! Please watch the heart wrenching videos on boycottkerala channel.