Animal Rights Petitions

Wednesday, April 2

Mail From the Editor: Bob of
Celebrate the Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month...

Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month [April]

"It was a good thing that the dog was found," Laura explained to me, "or else she would've died from loss of blood or infection. She must have been hit by a hit-and-run driver." It's sad to hear what people do to animals. Kong was also an abandoned puppy too so I know how it feels to find a dog without an owner, collar or tags on the street. Then you get attached to it because in the back of your mind, you know that they'll be putting the poor dog down if they don't have room for it. So I took Kong home, and now he's my best friend.

Remember Seth, the guy Megan was going out with and torturing with her cooking over the holidays? Well, Seth's a veterinarian and he's doing this big drive at the animal clinic to educate people about cruelty to animals. He told me stories of what some people do to puppies, cats and dogs. If you ask me, some of this stuff is just sick. I mean how can people do this to a poor defenseless animal?!

"Next month is the Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month," said Seth. "Tell your friends and neighbors about animal cruelty and spread awareness. Make sure your pets have enough food and water--not having that available to them is also a form of cruelty."

This week's Zen quote comes from Henry Bergh who founded the ASPCA in the hopes of preventing cruelty to animals. He said, "Men will be just to men when they are kind to animals."

Take care,


People for Animals

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